
YoucanchangethespeedofthevideosthatyouwatchonFacebook.Changethespeed:1.Whilewatchingavideo,tapthevideotoshowthecontrols.,1.Clickatthebottomofthevideoplayer.;2.ClickPlaybackSpeed.;3.Selectaplaybackspeedbetween0.5xand2x.,2020年8月22日—TL;DR.Ingooglechrome,simply:Presscommand+option+jonMac(ctrl+shift+jonPC).Thiswillopenchromedevtools;Inthewindow ...,Facebookcurrentlyhasnospeedplaybackcontrolsfort...

Change video playback speed on Facebook

You can change the speed of the videos that you watch on Facebook. Change the speed: 1. While watching a video, tap the video to show the controls.

How do I adjust the playback speed of videos on Workplace?

1. Click at the bottom of the video player. ; 2. Click Playback Speed. ; 3. Select a playback speed between 0.5x and 2x.

How to speed up (or slow down) a Facebook video

2020年8月22日 — TL;DR. In google chrome, simply: Press command + option + j on Mac (ctrl + shift + j on PC). This will open chrome dev tools; In the window ...


Facebook currently has no speed playback controls for their videos to speed or slow them down, much like how YouTube does it.

Updates playback speed creator metrics

Variable playback speeds for Facebook videos allows viewers to control the playback speed from 0.5x - 2x. Ads on videos, Facebook Reels, sponsored videos ...

Updates playback speed creator metrics

Variable playback speeds for Facebook videos allows viewers to control the playback speed from 0.5x - 2x. Ads on videos, Facebook Reels, sponsored videos ...

Why don't Facebook videos have 2x speed?

2020年11月10日 — Facebook currently has no speed playback controls for their videos to speed or slow them down. You need to install a third-party app like “Fast ...

[2 Proven Ways] How to Speed up Facebook Videos

Click on the Change Speed and select from the available options to speed video Facebook. The Output Preview on the left-hand side will show the changes in the ...